Early Valley

Early Valley

Early Valley
Originate China
Plantation temperature 10~25 degree Celsius
Maturity Medium to long
Dormancy Medium to long
Foliage coverage Very good
Color of skin Yellow
Color of flesh Yellow
Tuber shape Oval
Deepness of tuber eyes Very shallow
Size of tuber Good
Performance Good
Potential yield 27~32 ton per Hectare
Dry matter content Good to medium
Cooking quality Firm
Suggest application Fresh market
Resistance of PLRV Highly resistant
Resistance of PVA Semi resistant
Resistance of PVX Highly resistant
Resistance of PVY Semi resistant
Resistant of late blight Very resistant
Wart scab Resistant
Resistance to golden nematode Ro1 Resistant
Resistance to golden nematode Ro2/3 Resistant
Resistance to nematode Pa2 Resistant
Common scab Resistant


Plant – Plant height 75±10 cm. Yellow stern, oval stern section. Light green multiple foliage, big oval leaf of fuzzy texture. White blossom, with berries.

Tuber – Oval tuber shape, yellow skin of smooth texture, yellow flesh, 9.3±1.5 shallow tuber eye, uniform shape, medium durable for storage. 45±5 days dormancy. Each plant yields 8±3 tubers. Each tuber weights 117.3±4.53 gram.

Brote –  Sharp and green sprout tip, green sprout body, strong growing , long maturity, 115±5 days.